Barachois Mountain Gorge

Trail Info
Maps / Tracks
Trail Info

Length: 10+ km
Duration: 2.5h
Difficulty: 2
Cell Phone Service: Spotty


The Barachois Mountain Gorge trail system is made up of old cart tracks and ATV trails. The trail itself can be quite wet and there are many puddles and side excursions around various washouts. The road leads you through thick old forest following the Barachois River and eventually coming to an old farm. You must cross the Barachois River just after the 5km mark so prepare for a ford, unless it is the summer months. Retrace your steps to return.

As of June 2018 there are a lot of down trees and gets harder as you progress.

Note! Hunting is allowed in this area during season and it is hunted regularly. There is also a resident Northern Goshawk which is known to be aggressive in May/June (hatchlings).

This trail is found at the end of Barachois Road. Parking is available in the turn around area.

Maps / Tracks


Barachois Mountain Gorge
Barachois Mountain Gorge

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